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Never Enough

Author's Note:  This is my first foray into a fiction short story.   I am publishing it here so that others might have the chance to read it.   I hope you enjoy!


Thomas Martin

“Would that there were an award for people
who come to understand the concept of enough.
Good enough,
Successful enough,
Thin enough,
Rich enough,
Socially responsible enough.
When you have self-respect, you have enough.”  -
Gail Sheehy


St. John’s Chapel: Present Day

Her eyes were fixed, staring straight ahead at seemingly nothing at all.  She sat quietly in the back corner of the last pew of St. John’s Chapel.  Of course, she would soon move to the front, the place of honor for the beautiful, grieving widow. She was elegantly dressed in a black des Vosges dress and had to be noticed, admired, and be the recipient of much sympathy.  As she sat quietly, staring at the casket containing the lifeless body of her third husband, the famous and wildly wealthy fashion demigod, Auguste des Vosges, she reflected on both the casket and her life and concluded that what she had striven for her entire life was of no matter to her any longer. 

As the thought of moving to the front pew became foremost in Trophy’s mind, she instinctively reached for her small purse and retrieved a silver compact and a tube of expensive French lipstick.  She slowly opened the antique, hand-etched sterling silver case and admired herself in the mirror.  Yes, even at 45, she was still beautiful and still very much the ultimate trophy wife.  She smiled at the fact that she had become her given name.  It was as if her mother had known her destiny and decided to let everyone know it as well by naming her Trophy.  Her mother’s words still rang clear in her mind, “Marry; but marry rich.”

Trophy had chosen this small chapel, foregoing a grand cathedral as would be expected for a man of Auguste’s status.  The small chapel limited the number of mourners, directing the majority of attention to Trophy.   In spite of the limited seating, there would likely still be many celebrities and other fashion icons in the audience.  Trophy did not want to take the chance that this funeral would be about them rather than herself and Auguste. 

As she looked to the front pew, she knew that shortly, their eleven-year-old son, Richard, would enter the chapel and take that seat of honor with Trophy.   Trophy wanted this time alone in the chapel and had asked Richard’s nanny to bring him separately, closer to the time of the actual service. 

Trophy’s original plan in life was to forego “love” and marry an older, wealthy man.   She would live in luxury, enjoying the greatest bounty of the harvest.  She would clearly outlive her husband and would then be free to continue her self-indulgent life of ease.  Possibly one day, she might find someone with whom she could actually fall in love, a man who would worship and adore her while she controlled the finances and made all of the major decisions alone.

Yet, as she sat thinking of Auguste and the wonderful life they had had together she realized she had done what she thought was not possible.  In spite of their initially “loveless” marriage, Trophy had actually fallen in love with Auguste. 

Trophy reached for her purse deciding it was time to move to the front pew when, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Hiram Bentson entering the chapel and taking a seat on the opposite side.  Trophy stared blankly at Hiram until Hiram’s head turned slowly, his eyes finally meeting Trophy’s.   Hiram smiled half-heartedly, nodded briefly, and turned away.  Hiram was a major dealer of high-end fabrics in New York City to the fashion industry.  His clients were all the top design houses both in the United States and abroad.  He also had the dubious honor of being Trophy’s first husband.    

Trophy’s mind drifted back to shortly after her eighteenth birthday.  She was already very aware of her beauty and the effect it had on others.  She also enjoyed shopping, fine clothing, and being the center of attention. Trophy came to New York City to audition at the various modeling agencies.  She was picked up by the prestigious Tyre modeling agency and began work as a runway model.   She quickly rose to the top as one of the most sought-after models in New York.  Along with her best friend, fellow model Sandra J., she enjoyed great success as a model, both on the runways and in print. 

What Trophy did know was that she was extremely envious of the people attending Fashion Week and other events in NYC.  As much as she enjoyed the attention given her as a model, what she really desired was to be one of the wealthy, kept wives in the first rows of the various shows. 

Although Trophy was well paid as a model, she realized she would unlikely ever be in the same financial class as those attending the shows, and that is exactly where she desired and intended to be.  She decided to use her beauty and charms to find a very wealthy older man, pursue him, intoxicate him with her charms and marry him.  She could tolerate a loveless marriage knowing she would one day be one of those envied women. 


Hiram Bentson: 23 years earlier

It was at a fitting for a fashion show where Trophy first met Hiram.  Hiram was 63 years old and already very established and wealthy.   Although Hiram made his wealth in this very glamorous industry, he was not really part of the flash.  Other than peddling fabric, he mostly stayed in the shadows of the various spotlights of the industry.   Other models seemed to almost rudely ignore Hiram, so Trophy decided Hiram was the perfect candidate for her scheme.   

Hiram was hardly a handsome man, being only 5’8”, chubby, balding, and having pronounced bags under his eyes.  But, Hiram was also a very humble and kind man, especially considering the success he had achieved.  Hiram’s first wife had died five years earlier and he had adapted well to being a widower.   He never really thought about dating or especially marriage, so he was caught completely off guard when this tall, statuesque blond model approached and began rather boldly flirting with him.  Of course, he was initially flattered and quite smitten by Trophy. 

Unsure of what exactly was happening, Hiram could not help but consider exploring the possibilities.  He asked Trophy if she would enjoy having lunch with him the next day.  To his surprise, Trophy lit up with probably the brightest and most beautiful smile Hiram had ever seen, and accepted his invitation.  Hiram could feel his knees buckle slightly from her wily and mischievous charms, but Hiram was no fool.  Hiram knew Trophy was likely up to something, something not overly kosher, but he was also so taken by Trophy that he figured one lunch could not possibly be harmful. 

That small crack in Hiram’s defenses was all the encouragement Trophy needed to make her move.  She knew she would soon be the next Mrs. Bentson. 

Trophy insisted they go to an intimate and traditional French restaurant on the upper east side of New York.  She knew the seating would allow them to sit next to each other on an upholstered bench along the wall.   During lunch, Trophy repeatedly leaned close to Hiram, flaunting her beautiful breasts near his face.  Every time she said anything to Hiram, she would turn and place her hand on his thigh.  At first, it seemed merely casual and friendly to Hiram, but as the afternoon continued, her hand strategically moved higher and deeper into his thigh.  After being single and without sex for so long, this was all simply more than Hiram could ignore.  Trophy made Hiram’s heart beat faster and he discovered a longing in his loins he thought had long past.   Could this beautiful creature truly be interested in him? Guardedly, Hiram decided to let things play out.  He didn’t really trust Trophy and he needed time to think how he might benefit from such a relationship as well has how to protect himself and his interests should Trophy be nothing more than a gold digger in a tight red dress. 

It was shortly after lunch when Trophy aggressively came on to Hiram, luring him into his own bed.   The sex was amazing. Trophy performed acts Hiram had only read and fantasized about in the past.  Yes, she may be a gold digger, but she was exciting and she did make him feel like a young man again.  

Hiram quickly did two things, he made an appointment with his lawyer and with his doctor. He wanted to discuss a pre-nuptial agreement, should the relationship progress along that path, needing time to think and plan.  With the doctor, he wanted to get a vasectomy to ensure there would be no future “surprises.”   Even though he and Trophy were not even close to discussing marriage, he wanted to ponder what might be in a pre-nuptial agreement.  He wanted to be protected but he also wanted to be fair.  What if, by chance, Trophy actually loved and cared about him, would he not want her to share in his good fortune?  The answer, of course, was “yes,” but, he needed time to see how their marriage played out.  Hiram put a stipulation in the agreement that Trophy would not be entitled to any part of his estate until they had been married for ten years.   During their marriage, Trophy would receive a monthly “allowance” of $20,000.  Allowances of this nature are common among the wives of the very wealthy. 

Hiram sat on the wording of the agreement for over three weeks before approaching Trophy with an impressive ring from Van Cleef and Arpels along with an elaborate dinner at Le Cirque. 

When Hiram proposed to Trophy, she squealed softly, smiled broadly, and showered him with kisses.   As Hiram covered the terms of the pre-nuptial, Trophy nodded enthusiastically and said she loved him more than the agreement and she would happily sign the document.  Trophy knew a pre-nuptial would be required in almost any marriage within this social-strata and had been prepared for this inevitable “talk.”

Trophy wasted no time showing off her impressive diamond ring to her friends and acquaintances, basically anyone from whom she could extract some level of envy.  The display of the ring was always accompanied by the words, “because my baby loves me very, very much.” 

With that, Trophy landed her first wealthy husband and would no longer need to work by walking the runways and would instead, be one of the women shopping in the exclusive boutiques, setting fashion trends at the various shows, and being featured on Page Six of the New York Post. 

Trophy felt very proud of herself, at the young age of only twenty-two, she was now Mrs. Hiram Bentson and she wasted no time basking in the light of her husband’s name and fortune.  

Using her “allowance,” Trophy began amassing a wardrobe of clothes made by the very designers whose fashions she had regularly modeled.  She was now the center of attention in the various New York boutiques and she reveled in the attention.  She knew how to milk various situations, encouraging the clerks to fawn over her even more than other customers.  Trophy knew full well how to work her audience.  Anyone who seemed to show indifference toward her was quickly written off in her book.  She loved other women looking at her with envy in their eyes, knowing they all wished they could be her. 

Even worse, any woman who turned on Trophy, seemingly betraying her, would be viciously attacked through gossip and she would even go as far as damaging their careers or marriages, if the opportunity arose. 

Trophy had arrived and she bathed in the attention, preening her feathers, and demanding the spotlight whenever and wherever she could. She adored being invited to all of the best parties and A-list events. 

Trophy selected le Cote Rouge as her restaurant.  She staked out her own table in the cozy and very trendy upper-west-end eatery.  Her table gave everyone entering the restaurant the absolute best view of her and gave Trophy the best view of those daring to enter her domain.  Trophy need never make a reservation as it was understood it was her table and her table alone.   At any time of the afternoon or evening, Trophy might flutter in with her current entourage, stop briefly to throw air kisses to François, the maître d’, and enjoy a glass of wine.  All the while ensuring she was seen by all the New York doyenne wives who were also out, wanting to see and be seen. 

St. John’s Chapel: Present Day

Trophy smiled discretely thinking back to her life with Hiram.  Hiram was very good to her and a very kind man.   But Trophy was in her twenties, young, beautiful and vibrant and not really prepared to accept the quieter life of merely one of the “ladies who lunch.”  She thought she could set love and passion aside, exchanging it for a life of wealth.  Whether it be her hormones or her insatiable need for attention, Trophy wanted more.

As rich and comfortable her life was with Hiram, Hiram was not part of the top echelon of fashion.  He was a minor player.  Trophy could not merely say his name and be met with instant recognition.  Introducing herself as Mrs. Hiram Bentson did not generate the same surprise, awe, and most importantly envy as saying, for example, “I am Mrs. Calvin Klein.”  Hiram was a good man, but not The Man Trophy needed to fulfill her life. 

As she lifted her eyes back to the front of the chapel, she caught sight of someone new entering from the rear.  It was the current Uber-Hot male model in fashion, television, and print.  Roberto; just Roberto, he didn’t use his last name.   It was doubtful any woman would be able to resist Roberto.   But Roberto’s entrance reminded Trophy of her first encounter with Roman, her second husband.


Roman: 15 Years Earlier

Trophy was sitting quietly at her table at Le Cote Rouge, enjoying a glass of champagne while waiting for her best friend, Sandra J., to join her.  As Sandra J. entered, Trophy eyed the most handsome man she had ever seen, she actually let out an audible gasp when she first saw him.  Every nerve ending in her body leapt alive by just looking at the rakishly handsome and sexy young man.  A broad smile broke out across Trophy’s face as Sandra J. and this young god approached her table.  “Trophy, I hope this isn’t an inconvenience, but my brother Roman is visiting me from Texas and I thought he might join us for lunch.” 

Roman was about six foot-three, black hair, tanned skin, a chiseled, muscular body as could be seen from his bulging biceps and triceps, and a bright, clear smile that further melted Trophy into her seat.  This was one of the few times in her life Trophy found herself nearly speechless. 

After several awkward seconds, Trophy was unable to wipe the smile off of her face but was finally able to clumsily blurt out, “Why, of course not. Please have a seat.”  The entire time her eyes were fixed on this handsome Texan’s eyes and her heart was beating faster.  Of course, Roman’s eyes gazed deeply into Trophy’s as well.

“Why Sandra, where ever have you been hiding this dream of a man?”

Not only was Roman physical perfection, his personality was also quite charming and alluring.  Trophy had never reacted to any man quite the way she was reacting to Roman.  She knew other wives in her circle often kept lovers, but it had never really crossed Trophy’s mind.  Although here was this Adonis flooding her with every breathless sensation she could possibly imagine.  At this moment, Trophy knew she wanted Roman.  In what capacity, exactly, she did not know. At the minimum, Trophy wanted him in her bed.

Sandra J. uncomfortably shifted in her seat.  She wasn’t all that surprised at this turn of events, her brother had seduced many women, yet she suddenly wished she could be somewhere else at this very moment. 

The next several hours were the hottest and most intense ever spent by Trophy.  She had never enjoyed sex[TM1]  as much as this wild and hot encounter with Roman.  Not only was Roman good to look at, surprisingly, he also knew how to fully please a woman.  By the time night was falling, Trophy and Roman had loudly orgasmed three times each.  Trophy was left limp from exhaustion and with a total infatuation she mistook for love. 

The idea of Hiram now almost repulsed her.  She simply could not return to her life with Hiram after her experience with Roman.  Still a young woman, Trophy was confused, but knew she wanted Roman and wanted him full time.  The problem was that Roman was far from rich, in fact, Roman was currently unemployed.  The reason Roman came to New York was to look into modeling and acting opportunities.   Trophy knew he had a good shot at both, but these things took time, even with the excellent introductions she could make for him.  Trophy knew that divorcing Hiram only eight years into the marriage, would leave her with nothing but her clothes, shoes, and purses.  Yet as she looked at Roman laying naked in her bed she suddenly and surprisingly decided to forget about money and make “love” her new life’s pursuit.  If they just loved each other enough, she thought, everything would be alright.

It wasn’t long before Trophy and Hiram divorced and Trophy took Roman as husband number two. 

St. John’s Chapel: Present Day

If Trophy had ever felt foolish and naïve it was remembering her thoughts on “love.”  “Such a silly little girl I was.   Only two years away from Hiram’s pre-nuptial expiring, and I throw it all away for a mega-hunk with an overactive libido.  Love?  What a joke that is.”  Trophy recalled the sex was never as hot after marriage and Roman was just too appealing to too many other women.   Trophy had to return to working as a model and Roman’s “career,” if it could be called that, never seemed to amount to much.  Through a connection of hers, Trophy was reduced to selling clothing accessories on the shopping network to make ends meet.   It wasn’t long before Trophy knew she had made a terrible mistake.  Roman had to go and Trophy would then have to start again finding just the right rich husband.  But this time, she knew enough to plug all the loopholes in the next pre-nuptial.  With Scarlett from Gone with the Wind in her head she raised her fist and declared, “As God as my witness, I will never be poor again!”

Of course, Trophy had a very different view of “poor” than most Americans. 

Since neither Trophy or Roman had much in the way of assets, the divorce was quick and relatively painless.  Trophy thought back to the fear she experienced after the divorce.  “I’m now 32, somewhat past my prime and I must seduce yet another husband.  What a fool I was to leave Hiram.  He was a good man and very good to me.  Why couldn’t I be satisfied?  What’s wrong with me?” she thought.  

Another unintended consequence of her marriage and divorce to Roman, was it subtly changed her relationship with Sandra J.   Trophy could not precisely put her finger on it, but things were never quite the same.  


Auguste des Vosges: 13 years earlier

Trophy was single and poor and needed to be married and rich.  Unlike when she first started out in fashion, she now had far more contacts and access to inner circles.  In spite of her efforts in stalking and hunting for a new husband, fate brought the next husband to her.

It was during a reception following a show when Sandra J. came over to Trophy and said, “Trophy, I have someone who really wants to meet you, Auguste des Vosges.”  Des Vosges had achieved what all designers desire, a couture label along with mass-marketed products, each with the distinctive AdV logo embroidered upon it.  He was extremely wealthy and successful and almost perfect for Trophy.  In spite of it being well known that des Vosges enjoyed the company of men, des Vosges had also just divorced his third wife.  Trophy was a bit reticent, but was also quite intrigued. 

Auguste was tall, very distinguished looking, elegant, and had the most beautiful salt and pepper hair.  He was lean and fit and had a confident ease that, it seems, only the French possess.  Auguste was also surprisingly friendly and warm.  Maybe it was merely the French in him, but he continually touched Trophy as they spoke and kept smiling broadly.  Trophy was both thrilled and a little confused by his actions.  She was especially shocked when Auguste invited her to join him for dinner. 

Flattered, Trophy enthusiastically accepted the invitation.  Des Vosges told her he would pick her up at 8:00pm and asked for her address.  Considering her current living conditions, Trophy was not about to give out such a common address to des Vosges.  Instead, she suggested they meet at the Oak Bar in The Plaza Hotel with the vague implication she was currently living there. 

Des Vosges smiled, kissed her gently on each cheek and replied, “Then it is a date!  I will see you there!”

For once, Trophy was somewhat unsure of how to dress for an event.  She wanted to be very appealing to des Vosges, but was also confused as to his intentions.  He had, after all, been married to women, yet it was well known his attraction to young men.  She decided to go with a basic black form-fitting little dress.  It was classic and looked fantastic on her.  She decided no man, gay or straight, could ignore her beauty. 

Trophy arrived at the Oak Bar at 7:45pm to find a seat where she would be easily seen by all who entered.  As she walked through the room, she could feel many eyes upon her and she wondered why she hadn’t spent more time here in the past. 

About 8:05pm, des Vosges entered the bar.  He was impeccably dressed and also drew many looks from around the room as he made his way to Trophy’s table.  Again, he was smiling from ear to ear with beautiful white teeth.  As he neared her table, he extended his hand, expecting her to do the same.  He took her small, delicate hand in his, elegantly kissed it, and asked “May I join you my dear?”

He sat down with her and stared deeply into her blue eyes all the while displaying his magnificent smile. 

As any true Frenchman would do, Auguste quickly ordered a bottle of Taittinger Brut and several ounces of sevruga caviar for them to share.  Auguste’s charming, confident, and relaxed manner washed over Trophy like a warm bath.  He was so witty, friendly, and thoughtful and Trophy found herself completely at his mercy.   After finishing the “first course,” Auguste suggested they go to La Place Vaucluse for dinner.  La Place was currently the hottest and most sought-after reservation in the city.  “La Place? How ever will we get a table?” Trophy thought. But, Trophy was with a man who lived in a social strata she had only lightly brushed against.  No doubt, obtaining a table would not be a problem for Auguste.

They walked out of The Plaza to an awaiting Bentley of Auguste’s, the driver then whisked them to La Place. 

Upon their arrival, they were immediately taken to one of the most prominent tables in the restaurant.  Trophy could no longer contain her awe and said, “Auguste, reservations here are required months in advance, however did you get this table?”   Auguste smiled a kind a loving smile and replied, “My dear, I own this restaurant and this is my table.  My table is always available for someone as lovely as you!”

Trophy could feel her heart being swept next to Auguste’s and her breathing becoming more shallow and rapid.  She was enjoying herself far too much and found herself falling far too quickly in love with this man.  Sadly, it was a similar emotional love that led to her marrying Roman, so, she did her best to rein in her emotions and attempted to simply enjoy the evening.

Just before dessert was served, Auguste gazed adoringly at Trophy and said “My dear, I suspect you know my wife and I recently divorced and I understand that you, as well, are once again single.  I have watched your modeling career for some time now and, to be honest, have been captivated by your beauty.  I think you might make a lovely addition to the des Vosges label.  Might you consider accompanying me to my home in the Hamptons after dinner?”

Trophy may have been confused, but des Vosges knew his mind and his objectives.  He truly had had his eye on Trophy for several years.  As his marriage was clearly ending, he began considering other women for the next Mrs. des Vosges.  He had seen Trophy at several of his shows and was impressed by her beauty, youth, and elegance.  Auguste did enjoy the pleasures of both men and women, yet preferred being married to a woman, if for nothing more than the confusion it created in the media and in the fashion industry. It was that confusion or deception he very much enjoyed. 

Des Vosges needed and wanted a new wife and Trophy seemed perfect to fill the spot.  He fully knew she was merely looking for a rich husband, but then, he was merely looking for an appropriate, beautiful, young wife.   Neither might be seen as ideal to most people, but they both lived in a world where one’s own immediate desires trumped all else.

By the time they finished dessert, Auguste was already considering the next pre-nuptial agreement. 

Leaving the restaurant and returning to des Vosges’ Bentley, Trophy smiled and agreed to accompany him to The Hamptons and his estate.  On the drive, Trophy found Auguste to be quite romantic and physical.  Deep passionate kisses were followed by his lips exploring her neck and ears.   Trophy was thrilled and confused, but was enjoying herself too much to stop Auguste’s advances. 

Auguste’s estate was magnificent and had been designed to highlight his extensive contemporary art collection.  The master bedroom suite was enormous, larger than most apartments in which Trophy had lived.  There were two bathrooms off the bedroom, one in white marble and the other in black.  Auguste gently directed Trophy to the bed while helping her remove her clothing.  By the time they reached the bed itself, Trophy was standing nude in front of him.  He gasped quietly at her perfect body and skin as he laid her back on the soft sheets. 

One thing Trophy learned that night, regardless of the stories she had heard about Auguste, was that he was a masterful lover with women.  Not only was he wealthier and more famous than Hiram, he was almost as good a lover as Roman.  

She spent the night with him in his bed and awakened to Auguste softly kissing her nude body.  He seemed to be insatiable and he clearly desired her.  Who was she to refuse?  Auguste was far more than she could ever hope for and far less work to obtain.

After the pleasure of the morning, Auguste summoned the staff to bring coffee and fruit to them on the balcony off the bedroom which overlooked the pool and gardens of the estate.   Auguste got up and walked outside nude, completely unconcerned.  Trophy asked if a robe was available and Auguste quickly retrieved a fresh, beautiful, midnight-blue silk robe with the red AdV logo embroidered beautifully on the left breast. 

The staff brought the coffee and fruit to them, the weather was perfect that morning and Auguste asked Trophy if she might like to join him in a morning swim?  

There was a discreetly hidden staircase off the bedroom balcony leading down to the pool area.  Auguste dove into the beautiful blue water and began swimming laps back and forth.  Trophy stood next to the pool watching Auguste and was unsure as to what she should do next. 

“Please, my Sweet, join me in a swim.”

Trophy looked around to see if any of the staff was present and then quickly slipped off the robe and jumped into the pool with Auguste.  Auguste’s attention immediately shifted from his swimming to Trophy.  He took her in his arms telling her, yet again, just how beautiful and desirable she was.  He kissed her passionately and deeply on the mouth.  Trophy felt herself weaken into his embrace, letting her body relax into his hold on her.  Was she in love?  Trophy didn’t think she even believed in love anymore.   There was no doubt, though, that Auguste was a very charming and very wealthy man.  Did she really need any more than that, she mused?   Trophy was still impressed and aroused by Auguste’s physique.  He was so handsome that even standing in the pool nude and wet, as he was now, he still looked as if he could walk into a formal event and fit in beautifully. 

Auguste led Trophy out of the pool to a waiting table shaded by a yellow umbrella.  Sitting on the table was yet another bottle of champagne on ice.  “When had it been delivered?” Trophy pondered, but she had seen no one besides the two of them by the pool.  Auguste’s staff was nothing if not discreet.  Auguste poured the already opened bottle into two exquisite flutes both bearing the AdV mark.  As they sat there naked enjoying the warm, sunny morning and the sparkling glass of joy, Auguste passed a bowl of sweet, juicy, fresh blackberries to Trophy and said, “Ma cheri, I have found myself quite enchanted by you.  I have been watching you for some time and am thankful you are no longer married to another, especially that child, Roman.  It is time you take a serious step and look to someone like me.  Well, actually, someone exactly like me, for your future.  I do believe you should be mine, but I must ask you one question before we go any further with this.  Having lived in America and dated many women, I just want to be certain you do not harbor any of these silly, little-girl American fantasies about faithfulness and monogamy in marriage.” 

Trophy was nearly speechless, but managed to compose herself enough to reply, “Never.  Our relationship and who we sleep with are two very separate things.   I crave safety and stability in my life.  I do enjoy sex, but I too have found pleasure with those other than my husbands in the past.  No, Auguste, you need not concern yourself with such silliness from me.”

Auguste smiled broadly and relaxed in his chair.  The sun was shining, his search for a new wife seemed to be fulfilled, and the champagne was excellent as always.  Auguste dealt directly with the winery in the Champagne region of France and shipped the bottles to the US only on his own private jets, ensuring they were handled correctly and never allowed to become too warm so as to lose their delicate flavors and aromas. 

He looked across the table at Trophy, the woman most likely to be his next wife.  Auguste enjoyed sex with both men and women, well, mostly men, but still found women to be beautiful and alluring.  Sex was sex to Auguste, the beauty of the partner mattered, but not their sexual organs.

Auguste admired Trophy’s nude body once again and said, “Is there anywhere you need to be today?”

“No, I have no plans through the weekend.”
“Then why not stay here with me?  Let’s make this a mini-vacation for the two of us.   My chef was trained in France and can cook as well as any of the top restaurants in Europe.  We can eat, drink, and make love for the next five days.   We should spend at least a week together before we formalize any plans of being together as a couple, don’t you think?”
Trophy smiled and replied, “Why yes, I think that is an excellent idea!”

Trophy let out a sigh and relaxed back in the lounge chair into which she had moved.   She allowed her nude body to bask in the morning sun while she continued enjoying the excellent champagne with Auguste. 

Auguste excused himself and returned to the staircase that ascended to his (‘their?’) bedroom suite.  Trophy picked up her mobile phone and immediately called Sandra J.   “Sandra, you won’t believe where I am and what happened last night?”   Still in shock, Trophy retold the events of the last twelve hours, hardly believing them herself.  Sandra replied, “Wonderful.  I am not overly surprised, des Vosges has been asking about you for quite some time now.” 

Trophy hesitated, “He has?  Why have you not told me this before?”

“Because, my dear, you were married to my brother!  I have some loyalty and scruples, after all.”

Trophy just laid back and smiled.   What difference did the past make now.  She let her imagination run wild over the fantasies of what her life would be like as Mrs. Auguste des Vosges.   Did she really care with whom Auguste slept?  Not really, she thought.  Just looking around this estate, Trophy knew she could be quite satisfied and happy here.  Auguste seemed to be all she needed and could provide her with the attention she craved.

The next five days wafted by like a dream.  As Auguste said, it was filled with the best food, the finest wine, and amazing sex.  Trophy rarely dressed as they were either swimming, bathing, or having sex together. 

Finally, things changed one morning when Auguste wakened Trophy with a kiss.  As Trophy opened her eyes she saw Auguste was dressed in a perfectly tailored suit.  “Is something wrong?”  she asked.

“I need to go into the city, my love.   I will be gone for a couple of days and staying at my apartment there.   Would you like to join me in the drive or would you prefer staying here at the house?”

“Ah, Auguste. You treat me divinely.  I’m not sure how to even answer such a question.  I suppose I should return to my apartment and reality and take care of a few things.   How soon before you need to leave?”

“Take your time, my darling.   I’m the boss, everything besides you can wait.”

They returned to the city and Trophy to her modest apartment, but her contact with Auguste continued.  He was constantly showering her with gifts of clothing, perfume and taking her to special events and dinners in New York City. 

Several gloriously, decadent, and playful weeks went by in the company of Auguste.  Photos of the two of them were regularly seen on Page Six.  Trophy’s head was constantly spinning as he introduced her to his private couture salon.  She rarely wore anything not emblazoned with the AdV logo, somewhere on the dress, blouse, skirt or jacket.  The relationship foreplay ended one beautiful evening when Auguste suggested they return to La Place Vaucluse for dinner.   It was a quiet Tuesday night when Auguste’s driver dropped them off in front of the elegant dining establishment.  The doorman smiled broadly as he held the door for the beautiful couple.  Gerard, the maître d’, approached and quickly led them into a totally empty dining room, elegantly decorated with candelabras and red roses on each table with every candle lit.  The crystal chandeliers cast a romantic glow across the empty room.  In the center of the room was “Auguste’s Table” beautifully set for just the two of them.  As they sat down, Trophy looked at Auguste and asked the obvious question, “Where is everyone? Why is the restaurant empty?”  “My dear, I have closed it tonight for all guests other than the two of us.   This is a very special evening and I needed a very special place to take you.”

The waiter brought over yet another bottle of champagne, one, from a winery, Trophy suspected, Auguste owned as well.  Along with the champagne the waiter placed a dozen PEI oysters for them to share.  Auguste gazed into Trophy’s beautiful blue eyes and said, “Yes, my dear, I am trying to seduce you tonight.  If the champagne and the oysters are not enough, I have something more for you.”  With that, Auguste reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box.  “My love, will you fulfill my dreams and become my wife?”  He opened the box revealing a ring with a large, almost obscenely large, red ruby surrounded by several brilliant white diamonds.  Trophy had never seen anything like it before and had never met a woman with a similar ring.    For a moment she wished the restaurant was filled with patrons so she could show it off to everyone and note the envy that would be displayed on the faces of every woman in the room.   

Auguste suggested, for the wedding, they have just a small gathering of close friends and hold it at the Hampton estate.  As much as Trophy wanted a large, elaborate wedding with a custom dress, she also felt grateful this had all happened so quickly and easily.  After all, this was her third marriage.  She could tell this is what Auguste wanted and Trophy was only too happy to comply. 

“My dear, please return[TM2]  home with me tonight so this romantic evening may continue.”

Trophy resigned herself to Auguste’s desires, letting him make all of the decisions.  She sat admiring and ogling the magnificent ring on her finger and felt she had finally obtained that which she desired in life.  Trophy was finally at the very top of the social ladder, she was now the woman all others would envy and covet. 

Trophy returned to Auguste’s Hamptons estate, remaining there for several more days. 

She finally called her mother to break the wonderful news. 

Auguste and Trophy met with Auguste’s attorney to review the pre-nuptial agreement.  As Trophy read through it, she saw it was fairly standard and very similar to her agreement with Hiram.  As was true with the prior agreement, Trophy had no claim to any of Auguste’s estate until they had been married ten years.  One substantial change in this agreement, from the prior, was Trophy was now to get a much more generous monthly allowance of $100,000.   Auguste’s attorney also verbally pointed out, “Madame, you will note there is no fidelity clause in this agreement.  If you accept that, please initial here.” 

Trophy smiled to herself and happily signed the document.  Shortly thereafter the small wedding was planned. 

One month later, standing in the gardens of the Hamptons estate, Auguste and Trophy became Mr. and Mrs. Auguste des Vosges.  Trophy’s only guests were her mother and her best friend, Sandra J.   

As a surprise, Auguste arranged to have music provided by Alberto Veneto, a most popular singer with an operatic voice.  It was extremely beautiful and romantic.   After the ceremony,
Trophy said to Auguste, “I love this house and estate.  Everything here is so beautiful.”  
“Yes, my love, it is beautiful.  My ex-wife did an excellent job overseeing its design and construction.”

YIKES, that was more than Trophy could stand.  She would NOT live in the house of the previous wife.  Her first objective was to convince Auguste they needed a new estate in the country.  One on which she could leave her own imprint.   Her second objective was to negate a substantial portion of the pre-nuptial and she now knew exactly how to make that happen.   In fact, she could even cleverly tie the two objectives together. 

St. John’s Chapel: Present Day

Trophy recalled just how good Auguste was to her, how perfect everything seemed to be.  She realized that Auguste fulfilled her dreams.  He was dashingly handsome, fit, charming, passionate, and extremely wealthy.  Yes, he was all she could ever have hoped for.  Yet, even with so perfect a man, it was still not enough for her.  She thought back to those moments when she felt he was losing his focus on her and how she would create drama within their marriage in an attempt to once again make her the center of the universe.  How could she have had everything, and yet it still be not enough? She contemplated.


Auguste des Vosges: 13 years earlier

Mr. and Mrs. des Vosges left on their honeymoon to the south of France spending time on a friend’s yacht, initially docked off St. Tropez.  They spent two weeks sailing the Mediterranean Sea, including stops at Cinque Terre, Portofino, Capri, Cannes and Monte Carlo.   Trophy was completely enchanted.  It seemed wherever they visited, Auguste knew people who invited them to their various estates, or onto their own yachts for lunch, dinner, or merely an afternoon glass of rosé wine, olives, and almonds. 

As she basked in the sun and the beauty of the Med, Trophy began planning her next move.  She realized she needed to have a child.  A child would negate most of the pre-nuptial agreement.  She also knew she had no desire to carry the baby herself.  There was absolutely no way Trophy would allow her body to go through the damage of pregnancy.  This trip allowed her time to plan. 

One night over a quiet dinner on the outside back deck of Auguste’s ship, Trophy looked deeply into his eyes and said, “My love, I want a baby.  Let’s make a baby together.  Don’t you want a son or daughter of your own, to carry on your legacy?”

“Trophy, is this truly what you want?  Am I not enough for you?”
“Of course you are, my angel.  I merely think a child would give us both a legacy.”
“Are you prepared for what this means to both of us?   I find it difficult to imagine you being pregnant and carrying a baby for nine months.”
“Oh my, Auguste….. I would not subject either of us to that kind of stress.  I have another idea.  Let’s go to a fertility doctor who can take my eggs and your semen, combine them, and then hire a surrogate to carry our baby.  Once born, we will have a nanny care for the child.  Doesn’t that sound beautiful?”

Auguste chuckled and replied, “Yes, my lovely wife, that does sound like a marvelous idea.  I think neither of us would like to see your perfect body ravaged by the demands of pregnancy.”

“And Auguste…..   might we also begin looking for our own home.  A house for you, me and our child?  Not the house of your prior life, but our house.”  The current house is so cold looking inside.  I want a home that feels like a home, not an art museum.  Trophy subtly tensed as she waited for his reaction to this request.  She didn’t want to push him too far too quickly, but she knew she could not live in that house much longer, the house of the previous Mrs. des Vosges. 

Auguste became very pensive and quiet and Trophy became concerned she had just made a big mistake.  He finally stopped looking beyond her and once again looked deeply into her eyes and said, “Trophy, I just want you to be happy.  I understand your discomfort with the current house and I would love to see what type of home you would create for the two of us, as well as our child. 

Ah, such sweet music to Trophy’s ears.  In one deft motion she had accomplished both her objectives.  She was the queen and the focus would remain on her.   Now to find a fertility doctor, surrogate and a new house.  She would be busy, but she was getting exactly what she wanted. 

After their yacht returned to St. Tropez, Auguste and Trophy flew off to Paris for several days.  They stayed in the Bernstein suite at the Hotel Crillon on the Place de la Concorde.  While there they dined in luxury at Les Ambassadeurs within the hotel and also at the famous, Michelin-starred, Taillevent, off the Champs-Élysées.  Wherever they went, des Vosges was warmly received.  They shopped in the boutiques along Rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré., where anything Trophy admired, Auguste purchased for her.  It was a fantasy come true.

Upon returning home, Trophy immediately began looking for a fertility doctor who could help them with their child.  Now, finding a doctor in New York City is about as difficult as finding concrete.  After putting the word out among Auguste’s friends, a fertility doctor was quickly identified and the appropriate appointments set.  He also helped with the surrogate.  Within a month, Trophy underwent the procedure to harvest her eggs and Auguste willingly donated his sperm.   By the end of the second month, a surrogate was now carrying their baby.  The other “Hampton wives” (like Trophy, chosen more for their beauty and cunning than anything else) quickly organized a baby shower for her.  There was nothing Trophy enjoyed more than being the center of attention and being adored and envied by all.  Several of the wives complimented Trophy on her decision to use a surrogate and bemoaned the fact they had not thought of it first. 

“Yes, my body will never be the same after my children were born.  No matter how much I diet and exercise, I am still flabby where I would rather be taut” was the oft-heard complaint of many of the wives.  The fear, of course, is they would be replaced by someone younger and more beautiful if they did not remain physically desirable.    This is the life they had all chosen, though, and having their babies ensured far more future security than not having them.   Motherhood was of little interest to any of them, the baby was merely their insurance policy against totally losing their luxuriant lifestyle.  After all, once the baby was born it was the responsibility of the nanny, not the mother. 

As far as the house, Trophy began working with a realtor who specialized in Hampton estates and she found several she liked, providing she could find the ideal decorator afterward.   Once the realtor knew the des Vosges family would be moving, she quickly identified a buyer for their current estate.  Before their home was even on the market, their realtor presented them with an acceptable offer and they found themselves too quickly in escrow. 

Needing a place to live and with Auguste’s apartment in the city not nearly large enough, Trophy suggested they take an apartment in the Pierre Hotel, one of the most exclusive addresses in the city.  She could be the Queen of the Pierre while their new home in the Hamptons was being made ready. 

Once they moved into The Pierre, Trophy began “holding court” every evening in the hotel lounge.  She would assemble many of her girlfriends and fashion industry insiders to enjoy cocktails and hors d’oeuvres. Much like she was la grande dame of La Cote Rouge, she now held a similar position in the hotel lounge of The Pierre each evening. 

Her status was disrupted one night as everyone was gathered around her table, enjoying a cocktail and telling Trophy, yet again, how beautiful she was. Something suddenly changed in the room.  The discussion buzz lessened and all heads turned toward the entry of the lounge. There stood Genviève Garnier, the wife of Henri Garnier, owner of the French Luxury Fashion and Wine empire LuxeLuxe was one of the largest, publicly traded corporations in France, it rivaled many US tech companies in sales, profits and stock value.  Several times, Henri had unsuccessfully attempted to buy out the des Vosges brand from Auguste. Genviève was originally a French film star before attracting the eye of Henri Garnier.  Henri wasted no time in adding this magnificently beautiful star to his collection of luxury brands.  Who better to show off his leather products, clothing, purses, perfumes, and wines? 

Genviève looked around the room, saw Trophy, and began walking gracefully to her table.  Trophy shifted uncomfortably in her seat hoping Genviève would change direction and sit elsewhere.  Genviève was one of the few women in the world who could upstage Trophy.  For that reason alone, Trophy despised her.  Before Genviève could officially join Trophy’s circle, forcing Trophy to acknowledge her, Trophy quickly gathered her things and excused herself, stating she had dinner plans with Auguste at La Place Vaucluse. 

Trophy eventually found an exquisite estate not far from Auguste’s prior home.   They quickly purchased it and Trophy hired one of the top decorators in New York.  “Once completed, our home must be featured in Architectural Digest,” she told the designer.  Everyone must see and envy her new home.  This was a requirement given to the decorator before the contract was signed.   Of course, being the home of Auguste des Vosges made that a rather easy requirement to fulfill.  Everyone would want a peek into the lavish lifestyle of this fashion icon!

Everything moved along quickly and before they she knew it they had moved into their new home and suddenly there was also the addition of a baby.  Their son Richard (pronounced in the French manner of Ree-shar) but informally called Ricky, was now also part of their life.  The house was magnificent yet felt far more of a home than the prior house.  Although merely an infant, Richard’s room was in a separate wing of the mansion along with the bedroom of his nanny.  Richard’s room came with a large walk-in closet (larger than some entire apartments in Manhattan) and was already filled with clothing from Auguste’s children’s line. 

Trophy reveled in being a mother, even though she had few actual responsibilities.  She would never consider changing a diaper or even bathing the little one, yet she proudly pushed him in his pram or carried him to every event to which she was invited and showed him off, making her, along with Ricky, the center of attention and adoration.   Wherever they went, the nanny was also present to deal with any issue Trophy would rather simply ignore.  He was an adorable little man and also gave Trophy some of the security she constantly craved. 


St. John’s Chapel: Present Day

As Trophy reflected on that time in life, her new wealthy husband, magnificent home, and beautiful child, it would seem she had everything she could possibly want.  Yet she still did not feel comfortable and able to relax and enjoy her life.   She always seemed to be waiting for the proverbial “other shoe” to drop and “never enough” always seemed to apply to the amount of attention she received. 


Auguste des Vosges: 11 years earlier

In spite of Trophy’s seemingly wonderful life, she still harbored many insecurities.  She knew she should be happy and satisfied with her husband, son, home, social life, and so forth, but she had wanted “more” for so long it was as an addiction and she could not control herself. 

In April, Auguste told Trophy he would travel to Paris and Milan for fashion shows in September.  Trophy asked if she could accompany him on the trip.  Auguste hesitated and said it would be mostly work and he would not really have time for her.

Trophy knew the real reason was that Auguste usually used these trips to spend his personal time with various male models and other gay male workers in the fashion industry.  She also knew he used his small apartment in the city for various gay trysts.  

Trophy knew full well who and what Auguste was when she married him, yet suddenly, she found herself being very jealous.  Her time with Auguste was simply not enough and she did not want to share him, especially with men.  She knew she could compete sexually and physically with other women, but competing with men was a problem.  Trophy began sinking into a malaise and feeling very sorry for herself.

She called Sandra J. and whined and complained to her for a while.  “Trophy, are you kidding me?   Look at your life, you are living the dream of all women.   You’re beautiful, your husband is rich, handsome and adores you, you have a wonderful son, you have zero real responsibilities and you married Auguste knowing full well he enjoys the company of men.  Now, suddenly, none of that is enough to make you happy.  Trophy, what is it you want exactly?”

“<sigh> I don’t really know, I just don’t want Auguste to take this trip.  I don’t want to be alone.”
“Trophy, let it go.  Take your son and his nanny and go on your own trip.  Don’t risk everything you have worked so hard to obtain.”

Yes, it all made a lot of sense, but Trophy had never been one to live by logic and reason, living in her emotions was just so much more satisfying and, well, dramatic!

The next morning Trophy decided not to get out of bed.  She lay there and professed to not feeling well with no specific symptoms.  Auguste suggested she call a doctor and went off to work in the city.  Knowing she could not continue indefinitely with a “mystery illness” she researched various ailments on the internet.   By chance she looked up the symptoms of a problematic gall bladder.  As she read through the symptoms, they all seemed quite non-specific. She decided to adopt and complain of these various symptoms hoping Auguste would stay with her and send someone else on the European trip. 

Auguste was properly concerned of her health and decided to take Trophy into Manhattan to see a specialist.  After running a variety of tests, the physician sat down with both Trophy and Auguste and said, “I can find nothing wrong with Trophy, in general or specifically with her gall bladder.”

“Doctor, you must have missed something,” Trophy declared, “I am in constant pain and my symptoms match exactly with the list I found on a medical website.  Can’t my gall bladder be removed to simply rule this out?”
“Trophy, certainly you don’t want to undergo the risk of surgery on a mere suspicion of a problem.   That just isn’t how we do things.   Again, I can find nothing wrong with you.”

Trophy was furious.  She had now committed herself to this path and backing down would be disastrous in changing Auguste’s mind about the trip.  She decided to visit other doctors and try to find one who would agree with her diagnosis. 

After the visit to the first specialist, Auguste quickly grew tired of her complaints and her desire to see other doctors.  One additional opinion would have been fine, but as Trophy visited doctor after doctor, Auguste simply focused on the upcoming trip and shows. 

Finally, Trophy found a doctor who was willing to listen, and with a small bribe agreed that surgery was a good idea. The date of the surgery was strategically set a mere two days before Auguste was to depart from the US.  

Begrudgingly, Auguste went with Trophy to the hospital along with Sandra J.  Visiting her there, Auguste finally had to excuse himself to return home to make final preparations for the trip.

“Certainly you are not leaving me here alone!” cried Trophy!  “I’m having surgery tomorrow, I need you here!”

“Trophy, I’ve tried to be very patient and understanding, but surgery or no surgery, I have to make this trip.  You are in good hands here, you will be well cared for.  To be honest, I’m still not even certain why this surgery is taking place.”

Sandra J. was again in shock from Trophy’s behavior.  Sandra suspected this all to be merely more contrived drama.  Yes, Sandra J. was a little jealous of Trophy, but she had also fully realized just how empty and pitiful Trophy truly was.  She cared less and less about their friendship and decided to speak her mind.  “Trophy, drop this charade NOW!   Don’t risk your entire life and happiness over yet another drama point.  Listen, you are NOT the center of the universe, look at everything you have a be grateful.  You knew exactly who Auguste was when you married him and now you want him to be something else.  If he leaves you, which is exactly what I would do in his shoes, you’ll be left with almost nothing.  Even having a child will not bring you the life you desire.”

Trophy was livid and especially because she was being called out by the person she had always viewed as her best friend.   Trophy began yelling and screaming at Sandra J., calling her a variety of names and vowing to destroy Sandra’s career.  

Trophy turned away and sulked silently.  Auguste was still leaving on his trip and now Sandra J. was no longer her friend. Her plan had failed miserably and now she was committed to a surgery where they would cut into her perfect body and leave a couple of small scars.  She was angry with Auguste and with Sandra J. yet equally angry with herself, but changing course at this point would potentially create irreparable long-term damage between her and Auguste.  She would have the surgery, Auguste would go to Europe and she would stay home and be upset and angry.  She had clearly lost this round and she would not be foolish enough to try this tactic again.  She also knew she must get revenge on Sandra J. for betraying her. 

Auguste flew off to Paris and Trophy’s surgery went ahead as planned.  Trophy struggled through the recovery and was extremely unhappy at the dietary restrictions she had to follow post-surgery.   It was fortunate for Auguste that he was so far away and did not have to listen to her constant complaining. 

St. John’s Chapel: Present Day

Trophy let out a big sigh and she thought about that dramatic mistake.  Two good things did come out of the error, though.  The first was that Auguste did not seem to hold anything against her, he returned from his trip as loving and thoughtful as ever.  The second and most important epiphany was Trophy learned from this mistake and began appreciating all she had just a little more than before.  She worked hard at presenting a more even and calm personality.  She tried to focus her efforts on Richard’s life, trying to take at least some parental responsibility for him.  He was growing rapidly and was an amazingly smart and sweet little boy.  Even more surprising was that he seemed to adore his mother.  

She reflected on her successes at disrupting Sandra J.’s modeling career.  Auguste had made several calls to various booking agencies and, for a time, Sandra J. had difficulty finding work.  But, with her resume and credentials, the problems were short-lived and Sandra J. actually experienced even greater success than before.  This distressed Trophy and upset her that she no longer had her friend at her side. 

Life with Auguste and Richard was good and Trophy intellectually knew it to be true.  Emotionally, she still had to battle her obsessive need for attention.  She knew she could take a lover if she chose, but was too afraid she might fall for him and she would destroy her relationship with Auguste.  She could not risk returning to a life of struggle and anonymity.  Even having Richard would not fully insure her current, luxurious lifestyle. 

So, in spite of herself, Trophy had seemingly, finally, grown up.  She was taking a good try at self-respect and being appreciative and happy for all she did have.  She could also see the minor signs of aging on her face and body and was still especially angry at the small scars constantly reminding her of her foolish tantrum that led to the gall bladder surgery. 

Just as Trophy was finally “happy” the worst imaginable thing happened.  Auguste was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  Her handsome, viral, wonderful husband had only weeks to live.  The grief that hit Trophy was such that she could barely function.  In no time at all, Auguste was confined to a bed in a hospital and Trophy could only helplessly watch him deteriorate.  It was then she seemed to finally realize the true meaning of the word “love.”  She did love Auguste and she knew he loved her.  

It was so ironic.  In many ways, sitting here in St. John’s Chapel was the culmination of her ambitions and dreams.  Her rich husband was dead and she would receive the bulk of the estate.  She was now a wildly wealthy single woman and yet it seemed to mean nothing to her.  Her great love was dead and nothing she could say or do could bring him back.  She thought of the quote from Capote’s Answer Prayers, “More tears are shed for Answered Prayers than Unanswered Prayers.”    Her prayers had been answered, she was now exactly in the position she had once yearned for, yet she was devastated and heart-broken.  She finally reached into her small purse, withdrew a fine handkerchief and began to weep. 

She allowed herself only about one minute to grieve, then gathered her few things and moved to the place of honor in the front row, next to Richard.  She turned and bravely smiled at those who had been invited to the service. 

As she turned briefly to look where she was about to sit she noticed Henri Garnier entering the chapel.  What surprised Trophy was that he was alone, Genviève was not with him.  She weakly smiled at Henri and then slowly sat down on the pew. 

The service, of course, was quite lovely and Trophy’s heart was full.   After the service a reception and lunch for the guests had been arranged at La Place Vaucluse.  Trophy was driven in the Bentley to the restaurant where she and Auguste had enjoyed their first date. 


La Place Vaucluse: Present Day:

Trophy stood bravely just inside the entrance of the restaurant and accepted the condolences of those who were at the chapel.  The last person in the line was Henri Garnier who she noticed was speaking into his mobile phone. 

As Henri approached her, he dropped his phone into his pocket and took her hand.  As he offered his words of comfort, he seemed to stare a little too deeply and longingly into her eyes.  

“What was that all about,” Trophy thought, “and where is Genviève?”

Her question was answered very shortly when she saw Genviève enter the restaurant.  Obviously, she wasn’t interested in being at the service but felt an “appearance” was still necessary.  As she swept into the beautiful room, she worked her way through the people, almost demanding their attention and adoration.  Trophy was furious and her only thought was, “That BITCH! How dare she enter MY restaurant on this, of all days, and take the spotlight away from me!”  

As Genviève moved elegantly through the room, charming the guests, Trophy noticed Henri sitting alone at one of the tables.  A devious smile crossed Trophy’s lips as she walked toward his table.   Henri’s eyes lit up when he noticed her approach.  He stood, bowed slightly and said, “My dear Madame des Vosges.  You look so beautiful and it pains me that such a lovely woman is so sad.”

“Henri, you bring a smile to my face on this tragic day.  Actually, I need some advice from you.”
“Yes, and how can I help you?”
“This may not be the time or place for this conversation, but I am now the owner of one of the largest fashion houses in the world.  Might you offer me any ideas as to how I should proceed?”
“Why yes, of course, Madame, when and where might we talk?”
“How about next Thursday?  Why don’t we meet at my home in the Hamptons?   Come for a swim?” She added, smiling almost wickedly
Henri smiled broadly and replied, “excellent, I would enjoy that very much.”

Trophy quickly glanced across the room and then touched Henri gently on his arm.  She leaned in closely and said, “Why Henri, I think we can build something quite beautiful together, don’t you?”


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


 [TM2] [TM1]








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