by Thomas Martin
We have all heard the saying, “You never forget how to ride
a bicycle.” That’s true, you don’t. But think about it. How do
you ride a bike? What is it that you never
forget? Riding a bike is three things
only: Pedaling, Steering, and
Stopping. Nothing more.
The trick to riding a bicycle is that there is no
trick. What you “learn” is merely that
you can. If you just get on and pedal, you’ll be
fine. The only thing you discover, not
learn, is that once you know you can,
it is really no big deal.
Much of life is like that.
Most of us fear attempting things we have not done before. “I can’t do that” is a too common
phrase. We believe there must be special
talents to accomplish many things in life.
Much of life is not a collection of unique talents, it is simply getting
on the bike and pedaling. Like most
people I was terrified of public speaking.
I was asked one time to do speaking and fundraising for an organization
I hold dear to my heart. I could have
helped many people and yet I declined, saying it would be impossible for me to convincingly
speak in front of people. In my mind I
could envision standing in front of hundreds of people, delivering my message,
yet, another part of my brain kept saying, “You can’t do that.” Fifteen years later, I did that exact
thing. I became a spokesman and
fundraiser for the very same organization.
What changed? Along the way I finally
just got on that bike and pedaled. I
amazingly discovered that I was somewhat of a natural public speaker. No miracle granted by an angel, no prayer
answered, one night I just got on that bicycle and pedaled.
I later began reading books on how to be an even more
effective speaker, how to hone those skills, but the reality was that it all
came from that first night when I simply gave it a try and spoke.
So – what do you want to do in life that you believe you
cannot? Who is telling you that you
cannot accomplish your dreams or desires?
If it is you, then, dammit, just get on your bike and pedal!
Copyright © 2020, Thomas Martin, All Rights Reserved
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