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Showing posts from August, 2020

Never Enough

Author's Note:  This is my first foray into a fiction short story.   I am publishing it here so that others might have the chance to read it.   I hope you enjoy! NEVER ENOUGH b y Thomas Martin “Would that there were an award for people who come to understand the concept of enough. Good enough, Successful enough, Thin enough, Rich enough, Socially responsible enough. When you have self-respect, you have enough.”   - Gail Sheehy   St. John’s Chapel: Present Day Her eyes were fixed, staring straight ahead at seemingly nothing at all.  She sat quietly in the back corner of the last pew of St. John’s Chapel.  Of course, she would soon move to the front, the place of honor for the beautiful, grieving widow. She was elegantly dressed in a black des Vosges dress and had to be noticed, admired, and be the recipient of much sympathy.  As she sat quietly, staring at the casket containing the lifeless body of her third husband, the famous and wildly wealth

What Did You Like Best?

by Thomas Martin In the 1998 movie City of Angels , Nicholas Cage plays the angel, Seth, who meets and escorts the souls of those who have just died to their final destination.   In the first scene of the movie, it is a young girl he escorts.   As they are walking, Seth asks the girl, “What did you like best?” The implication being, about her human life.    I’ve often thought about this question, what do I “like best” in my life, what have I enjoyed the most.   Wow, to be honest, there are almost too many things to even consider.    I have led a very blessed life, one of many paths and opportunities.   I have had my share of disappointments and crises, but most of it has been, by choice and attitude, wonderful.   So, here is a short list of things I began considering for the title of what I “liked best.” 1.       A warm, loving family extended family .   A mother and grandmother so soft, loving and beautiful that they could assuage and heal wounds of both the body and the soul

Jack Makes an Investment

On June 15th, Jack graduated from high school and also turned eighteen. For a graduation present, Jack’s uncle gave him a book on money and investing to help secure Jack’s financial future. Unsure of his career path and whether or not it included college, Jack decided to take advice from the book and immediately set up a long-term investment program. Jack contacted two insurance/investment companies and asked them to present their retirement annuity and investment plans to him. Jack is very risk averse and told both companies he wanted only to invest in vehicles in which no principle could be lost and in which all funds were insured by the U.S. Government. Jack told each company he intended to invest $161.20 a month, starting immediately, a continue investing the same amount until retirement at age 65. At that time, Jack would need monthly income from the annuity or investment plan. Not wanting to be influenced by any element of the two companies, Jack asked that their plans be submitt