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Showing posts from February, 2021

Profiles of Strong Women

  “Strong Women don’t have Attitudes, Strong Women have Values.”     To me, this wailing woman has come to symbolize the women’s movement in 2016.   Screaming and crying merely because her candidate did not win an election.   She was unnerved at what she had been led and manipulated to believe might happen after the election.      I’m not opposed to many of the original concepts of the women’s movement, but I am opposed to what it has seemed to evolve into.    One thing is for certain, it is NOT about choice or diversity.   It is about marching lock-step on every political issue, offering NO dissent, and following every directive from its self-proclaimed “leaders.”    If you disagree you are eviscerated by those who proclaim enlightenment.   With one of the major binding factors of the movement being “victimhood,” I see no strength in the movement whatsoever.   Once someone identifies as a “victim” they are nothing more than